Hot topics for free discussion
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  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.
  • Alcohol should be illegal.
  • Children should provide room and board for their aging parents.
  • Studying grammar is more important than practicing conversation skills.
  • Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.
  • Dogs make better companions than cats.
  • Smoking should be permitted in public places.
  • Females are better students than males.
  • A parent shouldn't pierce a baby's ears.
  • Women should be allowed to go topless in public.
  • Lawyers should make a higher salary than nurses.
  • Everyone should plan their own funeral.
  • Reading English is more difficult than writing English.
  • Summer is the best season of the year.
  • Children under 13 should not be allowed to babysit.
  • High school students should wear uniforms.
  • 21 should be the legal driving age around the world.
  • Rock and Roll is the best kind of music.
  • The government should pay for post secondary education.
  • Debate Topic  1:       Men and Women – Equal at Last?
  •           Debate Topic 2:        Violence in the Media Needs to Be Regulated
  • Debate Topic 3:        Internet Craze
  • Debate Topic 4:        Multinationals – Help or Hindrance?
  • Debate Topic 5:        The Necessity of Grammar
    • People having more than two children must be taxed heavily to control population

      Parents can never become friends of children. Yes/No

      What is more important? Salary or job satisfaction
    • 4. Joint family vs. nuclear family

      Should govt. be given legal right to take over the place allotted to a religious organisation in case there is an urgent need to build a school or hospital?

      God is a myth as nobody has seen Him.
    • 7. Over-population – a boon/curse for India
    • 8. India needs a strong and patriotic dictator to help it emerge as a super power of world.
    • 9. Victory of a team depends on its captain.

      Spare the rod and spoil the child. It is true because without punishment we can’t give a bright future to children.

      Should it be made compulsory for the offices, companies or schools to provide the facility of crutches for the children of female employees?
    • 12. Are women more capable than men?
    • 13. Should school transportation be made compulsory for all students?
    • 14. Burden of home work only ruins the talent of a student so it should not be given.
    • 15. Have we become slaves or masters of machines?

Parking space should be shown before being able to purchase a car.
Are social networking sites doing us any good? Or are they just a sophisticated way of stalking people?
Is torture justified for national security?
Cell phones should be banned in schools.
Is peer pressure harmful or beneficial?
Violent video games should be banned.
Should the death penalty be eradicated?
Are beauty pageants just a way of objectifying women?
Cigarettes should be banned from society.
Is it unethical to eat meat?
Should homework be banned?
Are live-in relationships the way to go?
Celebrities make for bad role models.
Credit cards are more harmful than lifesaving.
The concept of zoos should be nullified.
Fried foods should come with a warning.
Sex education should be imparted in middle school.
All schools should make it a compulsion to teach arts and music to its students.
Should juveniles be tried as adults?
Human cloning should be allowed.
Nuclear energy has destroyed our society.
Parents should not purchase war and destruction toys for their kids.
Animal dissection should be banned.
Plastic bags should be banned.
Are we too dependent on computers?
Are security cameras an invasion of privacy?
Should gay marriages be legalized?
Is the co-education arrangement a good idea?
Money motivates people more than any other factor at the workplace.
Is it ethical for companies to market to children?
Is age an important factor in relationships? Does it even matter?
Should school attendance be made voluntary?
Does the boarding school system benefit children?
Are curfews effective in keeping teens out of trouble?
Should libraries have a list of banned books?
Will posting students' grades on bulletin boards publicly motivate them to perform better?
Do school uniforms help improve the learning environment?
How far is competition necessary in the learning process?
Can bullying in schools be stopped? How?
Is it important for all schools to conduct mandatory drug testing?
Evolution or creation: how did human beings come about?
Will development of nuclear weapons fuel a third world war?
Is quarter life crisis the new midlife crisis?
The American military involvement in Iraq has done more good than harm.
Is co-habitation the replacement for marriage?
Human cloning should be allowed.
Will there be another Holocaust?
Do newborn babies remembers their past life?
The pros and cons of media consolidation
Should same-sex partners have the same rights as heterosexuals?
Are we overworking ourselves?
Should the United States eliminate its own weapons of mass destruction?
Is the American dream overrated?
Is it justified to give a dictator a tit-for-tat treatment?
The Roman Catholic Church policy forbidding the use of contraception should be changed.
Should we encourage the belief that kids have in Santa Claus?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Swimming in the ocean is better than swimming in a public pool.
Studying grammar is more important than practicing conversation skills.
Should schools require children to wear a uniform?
Dogs make better companions than cats.
Should bullies be expelled?
Should physical education be mandatory for all students every day of the school week?
A parent shouldn't pierce a baby's ears.

Are sports athletes role models?
Teachers need to teach, keeping in mind the way a teenager's mind works.
Are textbooks obsolete?
Should teachers befriend students on social networking sites?
Does the internet influence young people to engage in risky behavior?
Is the desktop computer outdated?
Is wrestling (WWE) real or fake?
Should English be the world language?
Television is the leading cause of violence in today's society.
Alcohol should be illegal.
Children should provide room and board for their aging parts.
Smoking should be permitted in public places.
Females are better students than males.
Intelligence depends on environmental factors, not genetic factors.
Women should be allowed to go topless in public.
Lawyers should make a higher salary than nurses.
Everyone should plan their own funeral.
Are Low-Fat Foods the Healthier Alternatives?
Should Sodas and Sugary Snacks be Sold in Vending Machines at Schools and Bake Sales be Banned?
Education is not as important as riches.
Television is a bad influence.
Are the Olympic games a waste of money?
Should kids between the ages of six and ten be dropped off at the mall without adult supervision?
Should minorities be allotted special rights?
Should students be permitted to go to a PG-13 or R rated movie?
hould pregnant girls be allowed in school?
Is medical testing on animals right or wrong?
Should dating tips be given in school?
Should school students face a mandatory drug testing session?
Can US be called a safe country?
Should boys or girls be permitted to have or attend a sleep-over party?
Should the age to vote be reduced to 16?
Should skateboarding be prohibited on sidewalks?
Should the African Union copy the entire European Union cooperation model?
Should any third party interfere in solving African issues?
Is our nation prepared for another 9/11 attack?
Is abortion right or wrong?
Is capital punishment morally acceptable?
Musical lyrics advocating violence should not be allowed.
Is having a child outside of marriage right or wrong?
Do we have a fair taxation system?
Is man going too far by means of genetic cloning?
Does religion cause war?
Afterlife: Is there life after death?
Is honesty the best policy?
Schools should have a block schedule instead of seven periods a day.
Is lottery a good idea?
Should homework be banned?
Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
What came first - the egg or the chicken?
Are ghosts real?
Is the pizza more delicious than the burger?
The parents of teenage fathers should pay child support until their grandchildren reach college.
Do we eat to live or live to eat?
Should the barter system be followed again?
Should girls ask boys out?
Are girls too mean to each other?
Professional athletes should receive free chiropractic care after they retire.
Should Exes remain friends?
Should Kim Kardashian be banned from TV?
Is marriage an outdated institution?
Is our presidential election process fair?
Should men get paternity leave from work?
Is love blind?
Are men more complicated or women?
Real alien sightings
Are school uniforms good or bad
Cross culture adoption
Banning smoking in public places
Should juveniles be tried as adults
Ghosts are people without bodies
How much is too much homework
Are video games good for you
Sex education for children
Pros and cons of organic farming
Is Hinduism really a religion
Negative and positive effects of peer pressure
Computer and video games: the pros and cons
Does television affect your intelligence
Pros and cons of standardized testing
Can you change your habits
Emotions as blocks or lessons
How to prevent school violence
Does music affect plant growth
Effects of music on the mind and brain
Spirituality: The key to problems of our age
Dreams: links between real and imaginary worlds
Existence of life on mars
Should the drinking age be lowered
Pros and cons of legalizing marijuana
Global warming: fact or fiction
Does food exert a role more than just satiating your hunger
Are vampires real
God: myth or reality
Vending machines in schools: pros and cons
Bilingual education pros and cons
What is the importance of public opinion in media
2012 end of the world: Is the world going to end in 2012
Media censorship: why is censorship good
The influence of chat rooms on teenagers
Afterlife: is there life after death
Are mermaids real

Good Debate Topics

On contrary to the above topics, in the following topics, there are two different topics which one can compare and contrast to debate. Each team has to choose a single subject (between the two) and speak about the pros or the advantages of it over the other. Each team has to debate to prove that their subject is better than the other.

LED vs LCD monitor
Socialism vs capitalism
Notebook vs laptop
Football vs soccer
Spirituality vs religion
Homeschooling vs public school
Organic milk vs regular milk
Legal separation vs divorce
Tenants in common vs joint tenancy
American cars vs foreign cars
Federalists vs anti-federalists
Dictatorship vs democracy
Debit card vs credit card
Infatuation vs love
Morals vs ethics
Big government vs small government

Subjects for Debates

Now, here are just the topics which can help in forming interesting debate questions or issues. You can go through these topics and frame out your own debate questions, as above, for debates.

• Dating
• Oscars
• Obesity
• Gambling
• Robotics
• TV Shows
• Acid Rain
• Astrology
• Holocaust
• Inflation
• Magazines
• Recycling
• Terrorism
• Euthanasia
• Friendship
• Gun Safety
• Infidelity
• Mass Media
• War Crimes
• Advertising
• Outsourcing
• Gene Therapy
• Human Rights
• Life on Mars
• Air Pollution
• Birth Control
• Death Penalty
• Deforestation
• Gay Marriages
• Globalization
• Homosexuality
• Human Cloning
• Organic Foods
• Relationships
• Animal Testing
• Drug Addiction
• Generation Gap
• Part-Time Jobs
• Beauty Pageants
• Noise Pollution
• Nuclear Weapons
• Teenage Smoking
• Water Pollution
• World Religions
• Cosmetic Surgery
• Internet Privacy
• Online Education
• Population Growth
• Social Networking
• Teenage Pregnancy
• Space Explorations
• Stem Cell Research
• Illegal Immigration
• Internet Technology
• Bluetooth Technology
• Environmental Issues
• Artificial Insemination
• Artificial Intelligence
• Employment Discrimination
• Unidentified Flying Objects

Are UFOs a hoax?
Are Ghosts real?
Pirates Vs. Ninjas
Is Barbie doll an icon?
Vampires Vs. Werewolves
Long pants or short pants?
Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler?
Blind date Vs. Arranged date
Superheroes should be banned.
Italian accent Vs. British accent
Hamburger Vs. Cheeseburger
Edward Cullen or Jacob Black?
Funny movies Vs. Scary movies
Tandoori chicken Vs. Plain chicken
What if there was no Harry Potter?
Should crushes be taken seriously?
Should girls be allowed to wrestle?
Is Rock 'n' Roll the best kind of music?
Guys with tight pants or pink T-shirts?
Is summer the best season of the year?
Who make better companions -- cats or dogs?
Are there any advantages of wearing braces?
Should dating techniques be taught in schools?
Do vampires get AIDS from sucking infected blood?
Why do I always come late to class Vs. Why I am never late to class

Funny Topics for College Students

College is a time when you can actually take these debate topics and create something wonderful out of them. At the college level, one has the capacity to not argue about something just for the sake of arguments, but rather for a more mature debate. Here are some debate topics for college students that you can use for this sake.

Eyes closed or open?
Tongue or no tongue?
Contacts Vs. Glasses
Gay friend or hot boyfriend?
Do good girls love bad boys?
Staying single Vs. Being married
Should marijuana be legalized?
Do nice girls always finish last?
Plain condom or flavored condom?
Australian accent Vs. British accent
Chasing idle dreams is a good habit.
Girls are weird when they are PMSing.
Honest and poor or dishonest and rich?
One should plan one's own funeral.
Being a realist Vs. Being an optimist
Pee-wee Herman or Richard Simmons?
Are diamonds really a girl's best friend?
15 minutes of fame or behind the scenes?
F.R.I.E.N.D.S or How I Met Your Mother?
Females make for better students than males.
What do women really mean when they talk to men?
The advantages women think there are of being a man.
Men marrying younger women or women marrying younger men?
Is homosexuality a psychological condition? Should attempts be made to correct it?
Negativity surrounding homosexuality - is it justified or is it just the typical fear and disgust for the minority and lesser known public mentality?
Can divorce have any positive impact in children? If yes, then under what circumstances?
Ethics surrounding development and administration of cognition enhancing drugs
Validity of diagnosis based upon DSM criteria
Education and intelligence - when a student has difficulty learning, is it the student's fault, the teacher's fault or is the entire teaching system inappropriate and archaic?
Graphic violence in video games
Adult content in cartoons and animes
Ethics of the Milgram experiment
Ethics surrounding the Stanford prison experiment
Fetishes and sexually deviant behavior
Negative parenting and their effects on child psychology
Are sociopaths a result of bad parenting?
Workplace psychology of ex-felons
Child abuse - psychological profile of a typical perpetrator
Child sexual abuse - where a parent is the perpetrator
Exposure to television and their effects on the emotional and intellectual development of children
Self mutilation for coping
Crime as a justification for coping with past trauma - how justified is it?
Hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy - clinical hocus-pocus or science?
Parapsychology and paranormal phenomenon - are they grounded in reality?
Alternative reality - is it they who are drugged or is it us?
Internet addiction
Social networks, online dating and their psychological impact on teenagers
Having a child - is social pressure a more dominant determinant than individual willingness?












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:: بازدید از این مطلب : 6542
امتیاز مطلب : 32
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 8
مجموع امتیاز : 8
ن : Ali
ت : دو شنبه 27 مرداد 1393
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